As I wrote about in my last Shop Talk post, I am going to continue sharing the goals I have for my business and the resources / techniques I am learning along the way in the hopes that other creative entrepreneurs might stumble upon something useful, or are just interested. One thing I am always interested in seeing from others is how they come upon their inspiration for projects, and they way they organize it so that its useful. I interned for a fashion design team one semester while I was in college, and I still remember being in awe of their huge cork board on the wall filled with all sorts of forms of inspiration ranging from magazine cutouts to fabric to random trims to photos of faraway places. I loved how clearly it gave the vision for them of the feeling they wanted their clothing to convey.
I myself have always been a collage maker. For me, having it all laid out on a cork board or a poster board where I can see it every day works. I think I even made one at the beginning of summer in eighth grade, to convey the way I wanted my summer vacation to go. I'm pretty sure there were pictures of surfboards (I lived nowhere near the ocean), lots of cute boys and magazine cutouts of girlfriends having fun together. And I'm also pretty sure I had a great summer that year hah! Which brings me to my next goal and the resources I use to work towards it:
Goal #2: Prioritize time for inspiration and create a visually appealing way of displaying it
1. Tumblr
As much as I love Pinterest, the collage style of Tumblr and each user's ability to personalize their page really resonates with me. If I find a someone's page with similar taste to mine, I can get lost for an hour looking through the images and leave it feeling inspired to create something new. I don't update mine all the time, but going through my saved images always makes me feel better somehow if I need a boost. (HERE if you want to check it out)
2. Getting out of town
I have been making it a priority to take a trip to New York City at least twice a year, solely for the purpose of getting rejuvenated design-wise and to be immersed in the different atmosphere for a while. Burlington has a cool style of its own, but sometimes to appreciate that you need to go somewhere else for awhile, and get out of your own space. I leave every time with so many ideas and feeling so excited to get to work again.
3. Talking to a like-minded friend
A best friend of mine who I grew up with does not live in the same town, but every time we chat (even if its just texting) I leave feeling renewed and with lots of ideas I hadn't thought about before. Just talking to someone who "gets it" can get you excited about something again, or steer you in the right direction with a project you are working on. Plus, when you work from home sometimes its nice to have a "coworker" to chat with!
A very brief summary of how I go about finding my inspiration. If anyone else has any ideas for me I'd love to hear!
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