
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thoughts on turning 29

I am turning 29 in a couple weeks, and have been thinking a lot about what that means. Around New Years Eve I was talking to a friend about making resolutions, and I told her how my resolution for 2016 is narrowed down to just one word - Stability. Stability in all things - where I live, how much money I have, my career, my relationship, friendships, even how I spend my days. I feel like I am at a turning point where its time to move from a place of trial and error to one of calmness and confidence in the place I am in. Getting real deep in this post folks, hah.

After a decade of moving around the country, working a bajillion different jobs, and going through multiple attempts to "figure it out" career-wise, this makes sense. To sum it all up, my twenties included attending three different colleges, living in four different states, and moving into 10 new apartments/dorms. I worked in six different restaurants as a bartender, busser, waitress, and manager. I got married to my best friend. I worked at a ski shop, a boutique, Panera Bread, and a Norwegian sweater company. I was an intern for a fashion design company in Times Square, a temp in a hospital billing office, a seamstress for a small screen printing company, and the owner of a vintage clothing company. Quite the smorgasbord of things, not much different from a lot of other twenty-somethings. But man am I ready for, yep you guessed it, stability.

Looking back I am so happy I got the chance to do all the things I did, and know I learned something different from each one that I will bring forward into my career and life now. Of course I know trial and error will continue to have their place, and make life interesting. But I have a great feeling about my birthday, and hope my experiences throughout my twenties have set me up for the next stage of my life - a more stable, but still happy and full of learning, stage. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, and here's to 29! : )

(photo taken by my husband on a snowy night walk around the neighborhood)

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