
Friday, February 26, 2016

A Morning Neighborhood Walk

Yesterday morning I woke up to the sun shining and a temperature I could walk outside in without a coat. Obviously, this put me in a GREAT mood. Around this time of year I start getting pretty antsy for nice weather and just sunshine in general. I grabbed my camera and my coffee and went for a long walk around my neighborhood and down to the lake. Maybe I have been watching too much Fixer Upper (can you watch too much Fixer Upper? #loveChipandJoJo), but I found myself on the lookout for cool houses and special details. I'm always surprised by the amount of brightly painted houses around my neighborhood, which really does make for a more cheerful look especially during these grey winter months. There is now snow covering the ground again here in Burlington (boo), so this post will serve as a reminder for me that spring is on its way. Whoo!

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